How to ask about gender in a survey

While researchers haven’t conclusively determined one “right” way to ask gender questions on a survey, there are a number of reliable best practices that are important to follow in order to ensure accurate survey results and foster inclusivity. More on that later.

In this article, we’ll share when and why you may need to ask questions about gender, discuss how to ask about gender in a survey in a way that’s inclusive and respectful, and review how Jotform can help you create a gender-inclusive survey.

Why it’s important to ask about gender in a survey

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines sex as a “biological construct based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones” and gender as “a multidimensional construct that encompasses gender identity and expression, as well as social and cultural expectations about status, characteristics, and behavior as they are associated with certain sex traits.” Put simply, while sex is assigned at birth, gender is shaped by cultural expectations, family dynamics, societal norms, and other factors.

Gender is an essential part of a person’s identity, and since the factors mentioned above shape identity, gender questions that offer a range of gender identity options — rather than a binary male or female answer option — will capture more accurate data, which will ensure more reliable results in research projects.

Asking about gender in a survey is important when you need to gather meaningful, nuanced demographic data that leads to actionable insights. For example, in healthcare, where sex and gender influence health and disease, precision is especially important. Other categories where gender is particularly relevant include research about labor markets, consumer markets, organizational culture, and city planning, among others.

Let’s consider a few other reasons to ask gender-inclusive survey questions:

How to ask about gender in a survey: Tips and best practices

Knowing precisely how to ask about gender in a survey can be a challenge. The following eight tips for creating a gender-inclusive survey can help.

1. Only ask about sex and gender when it’s necessary for your research project

If you’re asking about gender, explain at the outset why you’re collecting this data and how you’ll use it.

2. Let respondents know that you’ll keep their data confidential

Don’t forget to make it clear that you won’t share respondents’ data with others. You can also make questions that ask about sex, gender, or sexuality optional.

3. Let respondents know how you’ll protect their data

Assure respondents that their data is safe. You can do this at the beginning of the survey, in the section where you address why you’re collecting this data and how you’ll use it. For example, you could share information about the specific security features of the survey software you’re using.

4. Use inclusive language and design

Design your surveys using gender-neutral language that includes all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sex, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation, etc.

If you’re asking about gender, avoid binary male/female answer options. If you plan to ask a question about both sex and gender, the Survey Practice article previously referenced recommends the following language: